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/With ocean freight rates down, it's a good time to ship the goods!
With ocean freight rates down, it's a good time to ship the goods! 2024-08-22
By the Red Sea bypass, port congestion and other impacts, since April this year, Asia, Europe, North America, South America and other major routes of the sea freight rates rose round after round, continued for more than three months after the peak season in July after the peak fall.

At present, many routes have declined, but due to the shipping market by the global economic situation, port congestion, labour disputes and many other factors, despite the recent decline in shipping rates, but the future trend of freight rates are still uncertain. Therefore, if there is a demand for orders in the near future, it is recommended to take advantage of the current decline in shipping rates to arrange shipments as soon as possible in order to avoid a subsequent rise in shipping rates.

If you have any demand about aerosol tin cans, please feel free to contact us for quotation, we can produce the empty aerosol tin cans and aerosol cans components in diameter 45/52/57/60/65/70mm.

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