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  • How do aerosol cans works? Aug 27, 2022
    First, let's see waht an aerosol can is all about: it's a mechanism design to turn a liquid, such as paint or polish, in to a finely dispersed mist. So how does it work? If you've ever read the back of an aerosol can, you'll have noticed message such as"presurized container" and "contents stored under pressure". What's that all about? To ensure that somthing like paint comes out evently when you p...
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  • How to Keep Aerosol Products Safely Sep 09, 2022
     Aerosol products now are widely used in homes and workplaces all over the world , such as air freshener, hair spray, shaving foam, cosmetic, insecticide, spray paint and so on.       As the an aerosol product is a mix of substances stored in metal can under pressure, when you press the button at the top of can, it release the substance, we need to use and store them prope...
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  • Aerosol can products for cosmetic and hair care series are booming Sep 15, 2022
    According to the U.S. cosmetics and toiletries market research report released by consulting firm Kline & Co, U.S. sunscreen sales will increase by 23% in 2021, a sharp rebound after a 6% decline in 2020, which was mainly due to the epidemic In 2021, sales also increased by about 15% compared to 2019. Hair care products are also showing a trend of booming again. The U.S. hair care market has r...
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  • Safety precautions for using butane gas cans Oct 07, 2022
    In recent years, portable butane gas cans have been used more and more widely. Because of its convenient and lightweight characteristics, people are more used in all kinds of restaurants, outdoor barbecue, camping and other places. However, it should be noted that the butane gas cans is filled with gas which is flammable and explosive, so it is necessary to pay attention to safety when using butan...
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  • Tinplate aerosols are now lighter and easier to recover Oct 17, 2022
    The metal packaging industry is increasingly being evaluated through environmental indicators. The efforts made by the industry on environmental issues have made it possible to positively influence these evaluations. In fact, it can be seen that the carbon footprint of tinplate metal packaging has been significantly reduced in the last decade. The aerosol industry, which uses tinplate to develop i...
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  • Properly Disposing of Aerosol Spray Cans Oct 25, 2022
    How to dispose of aerosol spray cans properly can be a challenge, but will save on valuable landfill space plus reduce hazardous waste from becoming an environmental problem for communities. Contents of aerosol cans include: Paints Lubricants Personal hygiene products Insecticides Fresheners Cleaning agents …And much more The products are a combined mixture of propellant, liquefied gas, solvents, ...
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  • The composition and working principle of aerosol Nov 11, 2022
    Aerosol composition Aerosols have four major components: propellant, medicament, valve system, and pressure-resistant container. The propellant is the driving force behind the spray, and sometimes doubles as a solvent or diluent for the drug. Pharmaceuticals are raw materials, which are liquid, semi-solid or solid powder. The valve system is different according to the product, there are ordinary v...
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  • Using thicker tinplate for cone and dome, can the pressure meet standard? Nov 25, 2022
    As price of tinplate was risen few times this year, to give more competitive price for our customers, we tested 0.26mm cone and 0.25mm dome instead of 0.28mm for diameter 45 & 52mm aerosol tin can to reduct the cost, and the result is passed.   Some of customers are worried about if the pressure can’t reach standard, our answer is 0.26mm cone and 0.25mm dome can meet the standard. Our tec...
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