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/Reasons behind the choice of regular sizes for tinplate three piece aerosol cans
Reasons behind the choice of regular sizes for tinplate three piece aerosol cans 2024 / 08 / 31

In this episode, we will explore why tinplate 3 piece aerosol cans are usually made in regular sizes of 45mm, 52mm, 57mm, 60mm, 65mm and 70mm diameters. You may wonder why aerosol cans are sized to these standards. And what kind of considerations are behind them? Today, we're going to solve this mystery.

First, let's start with industry standards. These regular sizes were not chosen by chance; they are uniform standards that have gradually developed over the years in the global aerosol can industry. These sizes have been widely used around the world, especially in markets such as Europe, North America and Asia. Standardized dimensions make products more acceptable on the international market and ensure better matching and compatibility between individual manufacturers during production and trade. This not only facilitates the standardization of production processes, but also simplifies cooperation and communication between different suppliers.

Next, let's talk about the suitability of the manufacturing process. The production process of aerosol cans is highly dependent on sophisticated manufacturing equipment, such as crimping machines, welding machines and coating machines. These machines are usually designed and adapted for specific sizes. Adopting these regular sizes ensures efficient operation of existing equipment and avoids the high costs associated with retooling equipment or customizing special tooling. For manufacturers, this greatly improves productivity and ensures consistent product quality.

Material utilization is another important factor. Tinplate is the primary material used in aerosol cans, and its cost directly affects the price of the final product. Within these regular diameters, material is cut and used to minimize waste. For example, certain sizes of tinplate sheet can be cut in such a way as to maximize the use of every inch of the material and reduce the amount of edge waste through proper nesting. This not only saves costs, but also meets the requirements of environmental protection.

Finally, let's look at the impact of market demand. Different sizes can meet different market demands. 45mm cans may be suitable for some small capacity personal care products, while 70mm cans are more suitable for large capacity detergents or car care products. Diversified market needs have driven the popularity of these sizes. At the same time, consumers have formed usage habits and perceptions of these regular sizes, and standardized sizes are easier to accept and promote in the marketplace, avoiding the extra cost of educating consumers.

Overall, the selection of conventional sizes for tinplate three-piece aerosol cans is the result of multiple considerations, which take into account industry standards, the suitability of the manufacturing process, material utilization and market demand. These factors work together to ensure that the product is economical, compatible and competitive in the marketplace. If you are interested in our products or this topic, feel free to visit our website for more information.

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